
Decentralized Multi-Robot Cooperation with Auctioned POMDPs

Jesus Capitan, Matthijs Spaan, Luis Merino, and Anibal Ollero. Decentralized Multi-Robot Cooperation with Auctioned POMDPs. In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Automated Planning and Scheduling, pp. 515–518, 2014. ICAPS Journal track.





BibTeX Entry

  author =       {Jesus Capitan and Matthijs Spaan and Luis Merino and
                  Anibal Ollero},
  title =        {Decentralized Multi-Robot Cooperation with Auctioned
  booktitle =    {Proc. of Int. Conf. on Automated Planning and
  year =         2014,
  pages =        {515--518},
  note =         {ICAPS Journal track.}

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