PublicationsStability and Decentralized Control of Plug-and-Play DC Distribution GridsNils H. van der Blij, Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo, Matthijs T.J . Spaan, and Pavol Bauer. Stability and Decentralized Control of Plug-and-Play DC Distribution Grids. IEEE Access, 6:63726–63736, 2018. DownloadAbstractChanges in distribution grids pose significant challenges with respect to the control and management of these grids. Stability and decentralized control are vital to ensure the availability and accessibility of plug-and-play dc distribution grids that are (temporarily) without communication. Therefore, this paper presents guidelines for these grids that ensure global stability and a decentralized control strategy that implements these stability guidelines. The stability guidelines are derived using a Brayton-Moser representation of the system to arrive at a Lyapunov candidate function. Furthermore, the decentralized control strategy implements these stability guidelines and ensures that the voltages in the system remain within a specified range. Additionally, several simulations are performed to illustrate the stability of the system and the behavior of the control strategy under different scenarios. BibTeX Entry@article{Blij18, title = {Stability and Decentralized Control of Plug-and-Play {DC} Distribution Grids}, author = {{van der Blij}, {Nils H.} and Ramirez-Elizondo, {Laura M.} and Spaan, {Matthijs T.J .} and Pavol Bauer}, year = 2018, volume = 6, pages = {63726--63736}, journal = {IEEE Access} } Note: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Generated by (written by Patrick Riley) on Thu Feb 29, 2024 16:15:45 UTC |