
ISRobotNet: A Testbed for Sensor and Robot Network Systems

Marco Barbosa, Alexandre Bernardino, Dario Figueira, José Gaspar, Nelson Gonçalves, Pedro U. Lima, Plinio Moreno, Abdolkarim Pahliani, José Santos-Victor, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, and João Sequeira. ISRobotNet: A Testbed for Sensor and Robot Network Systems. In Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2827–2833, 2009.


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This paper introduces a testbed for sensor and robot network systems, currently composed of 10 cameras and 5 mobile wheeled robots equipped with several sensors for self-localization, obstacle avoidance and vision cameras, and wireless communications. The testbed includes a service-oriented middleware to enable fast prototyping and implementation of algorithms previously tested in simulation, as well as to simplify integration of subsystems developed by different partners. We survey an integrated approach to human-robot interaction that has been developed supported by the testbed under an European research project. The application integrates innovative methods and algorithms for people tracking and waving detection, cooperative perception among static and mobile cameras to improve people tracking accuracy, as well as decision-theoretical approaches to sensor selection and task allocation within the sensor network.

BibTeX Entry

  author =       {Marco Barbosa and Alexandre Bernardino and Dario
                  Figueira and Jos\'e Gaspar and Nelson {Gon\c calves}
                  and Pedro U. Lima and Plinio Moreno and Abdolkarim
                  Pahliani and Jos\'e Santos-Victor and Matthijs
                  T. J.\ Spaan and Jo{\~a}o Sequeira},
  title =        {{ISRobotNet}: A Testbed for Sensor and Robot Network
  booktitle =    {Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent
                  Robots and Systems},
  pages =        {2827--2833},
  year =         2009

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