We report on achievements and press coverage of our work here.
WISE changes color!
As of July 2024, I have joined TU Delft as a permant full-time Faculty at Embedded Systems Group at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathamtics and Computer Science. Part of my team will stay at TU Darmstadt and will be hosted at SEEMOO lab until their graduation.
The new EU-funded MSCA Doctoral Network ‘6thSense’ has been officially accepted, with Dr. Asadi serving as the scientific coordinator for the project.
Soon we will kickstart 6thSense an EU MSCA Doctoral Network on Joint communication and Sensing in 6G with strong academic (KU Leuven, TU Delft, Princeton, UCLA, NSCU, UTrento, IMDEA Network) and industry (Nokia, Bosch, IMEC, Telefonica, Ford, PureLifi, National Instruments, Televic) partners. The proposal preparation was a wonderful journey, and I bet the project will be even better. There will be openphdpositions coming up soon, so stay tuned!