R. Venkatesha Prasad |
Dr. RangaRao Venkatesha Prasad
Professional Achievements & ActivitiesHonours, Recognitions and Awards1.
to attend Microsoft Faculty Summit 2018. 2.
Fellow of IETE, India,
2018. 3.
Best paper award, ACM/IEEE
Internet of Things - Design and Implementation (2018). 4.
by External Affairs Minister of India as one of the 10 leading Indian
scientists outside India to discuss/advise on “Developing Cyber Capacity of
India”. 5.
by the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, when he visited the
Netherlands. 6.
Best paper runner up award,
ACM/IEEE Internet of Things - Design and Implementation (2017). 7.
ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer on Internet of Things (1 out of 10 newly
appointed) in 2017. 8.
High school students could implement our ACM/IEEE IPSN 2015 work for saving
hedgehogs (link). 9.
Grassroots Prize (two times) for innovations in teaching 2015, 2016. 10. IEEE Bangalore section – Publication
award 2014 & 2015. 11. Selected for
IEEE Public Visibility Initiative – My interview and Article on IoT (2014). 12. Covered by
IBC News under the heading, Invisible Network of the Future, 2014. 13.
by IEEE for contributions to the IEEE ComSoc Standards Program Development,
2014. 14.
to Dagstuhl seminar on Physical Cyber Social Computing, 2013. 15.
for IEEE P1900.5 Workgroup contributions, 2012. 16.
Our article in
IEEE Communication Letters, “An
Analytical Energy Consumption Model for Packet Transfer over Wireless
Links", was selected as the top 0.5% of papers IEEE ComSoc in Feb 2012. 17. Best paper
award, IEEE PIMRC, 2009. 18. IEEE
Outstanding Contributor Award for IEEE P1900.2 Workgroup contributions, 2008. 19.
First place for DC Motor drive and consolation
prize for AC Motor Drive in Karnataka state level, India, for ‘Do It
Yourself’ competition at S.J.C.E, Mysore, India, 1993. 1.
Editor, Transaction on Emerging Telecommunication Technology, 2011-2017. 2.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2015-2018. 3.
IEEE Surveys and Tutorials, 2015-. 4.
Editor IEEE Systems Journal, 2018-. 5.
Guest Editor Research to standards Next Generation
IoT and M2M Applications Networks-and Architectures, IEEE Communications
2016. 6.
Associate Editor, IEEE JSAC on SDN and Network
Virtualization, 2018- 7.
Editor IEEE Transaction on Green Communication Networks 8.
Communication Magazine Green Track. 9.
Elsevier-Journal on Networking and
Computer Applications, 2015-2018. 10.
Editor Elsevier-Communication Networks, 2017-2018. 11.
Editor for the IEEE Communications Society
Communications Technology (CTN). 1. Mr.Ramachandra Budhihal,
“Unified Cognitive Radio Architectural Analysis, Design, and Implementation”
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 3.
Nahina Islam, Energy efficiency in wireless
communication, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.
4. Reema Sharma, Modeling
and Analysis of Dynamic Packet Scheduling Scheme in Internet of Things, VTU,
India. 5. Suma K V, Analysis of Nailfold
capillary morphology for diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and
hypertension in Indian Population, VTU, India. 2. Senior Member IEEE and
IEEE ComSoc, IEEE Computer society 3.
IEEE Standards Association Member. 4.
Vice-Chair IEEE P1918.1 standard on Tactile Internet,
2016-2018 5.
Member of Examination Committee, CE & CS, EWI, TU
Delft, (2013-present). 6. Vice chair for
Standards, IEEE TCGCC 2017-2018. 7. Member IEEE ComSoc
Education Services Board (2018-2019). 8.
Elected as IEEE CSDB Liaison for IEEE TCCC, IEEE TCCN,
TCGCC and IEEE AHSNTC, 2017. 9. Member of IEEE CSPDB,
2015-2017. 10. Member IEEE FiWi Sub-TC 2016. 12. Elected IEEE TCCN Vice
Chair (Europe) 2011-2016. 13. Member IEEE-SA Rapid
Standardization on 5G and SDN, Berlin, 2016. 14.
Secretary of IEEE ComSoc Standards Development Board,
2012-2013. 15.
IEEE-SA Internet of Things Ecosystem Study, New Jersey, 2014 16. Member – IEEE DySPAN (2011-) & IEEE SCC41, Standards Coordination
Committee (2005-2011). 17. IEEE
P1723 standards on SOA (2012). 18. Member of ECMA PN
Standardization workgroup, (2011). 19. Elected IEEE TCCN
Secretary 2009-2010. 20. Member -- IEEE SCC41
Policies and Procedures Subgroup, Web-master of SCC41, DySpan-SC,
2010. 21. Selected as Dutch
national representative to COST IC0905, 2009-2013. 22. Member of the Society of Industry Leaders - Standard
& Poor’s Vista Research, 2009 (by Invitation). 23. Member – Open Spectrum
Alliance (OSA) (by Invitation). 1.
IEEE Distinguished Lectures at three universities in Srilanka, 2018 – IoT and Applications. 2. IEEE
Distinguished Lectures at Four universities in New Zealand, 2018 – Internet of Things, Approximate Services and Virtual Sensing. 3. Keynote speech
IEEE Edgecom, 2018 -- Constructive Interference – Does it Really Exists? 4. Invited Talk,
Rotary Club International, Bangalore, India, 2018 -- Internet of Things Applications. 5. Tutorials on Internet of Things at IEEE CCNC, 2014,
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. 6.
Keynote at IEEE SCIoT, Iran,
2018 -- Low Latency Low Energy
Cost Data Collection in Sensor Networks. 7.
One of the panel members along with Dr. Jie Liu
(Microsoft Research), Prof. Prabal Datta (UCB) and others for “New
directions” at ACM SenSys, Nov. 2017. 8.
Keynote IEEE ISCC, Greece, 2017 -- Murphy Loves Constructive Interference 9. IEEE
Distinguished Lectures at three universities in Srilanka, 2017 -- Introduction
to IoT 10. Keynote Speech at
UBICNET, Bangalore 2017-- Murphy Loves Constructive Interference 11. Panel talk for
Young Scientists and Engineers (IEEE-YES), IEEE GlobeCom-2016, Washington DC
– Academic Life Goals. 12. Speaker at EE and
CE Education afternoon, 2016 – How to
Get and Give Feedback using FeedbackFruits. 13. Fine-tuned
Lighting Control Leveraging Smartphone-based Occupancy Detection,
International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN),
ACM, 2016. 14. Keynote speech,
International Conference on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, Hassan, 2015
-- Internet of Things- What else? 15. IEEE
Distinguished Lectures at (a) BMSCE, Bangalore, 2015; (b) Amrita College of
Engineering, 2016; (c) MCE Hassan, 2016 -- IoT
& Applications 16. Keynote speech
Workshop on 5G Internet of Things (IoT) jointly with 25th GISFI
Standardization Series Meeting (GSSM) 2015 -- Various Aspects Internet of Things Design 17. Invited Talk
Technology for Concept Design, IDE, TU Delft 2015 – IoT Application Design. 18. Distinguished
Lecture in 3ME, TU Delft, 2015 -- Internet
of Things and Energy.
19. Keynote Speech
CYCLONE, IoT360, Rome Oct, 2015 – IoT Applications and Approximate Services. 20. IEEE
GlobeCom-2015 Lightening Talk, San Diego –- Non-Sense! 21. Invited IEEE
ComSoc Talk at New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, 2013 -- Approximate Services in Internet of
Things. 22. IEEE
GlobeCom-2012 Lightning Talk, Anaheim -- Approximate
Services. 23. Invited speaker
IEEE ANTS-2012, Bangalore, -- iCore -
Internet Connected Objects for Reconfigurable Ecosystem. 24. Keynote Speaker
-- IEEE-ACM WINBIS, Katmandu, Nepal, 2009 -- Personal Networks. 25. Online Person
Tracking System, MobiHoc 2016 [Demo] 26. Demonstration of
the VoIP-testbed developed at CEDT, IISc, Bangalore, to members of
Communication Software Industry and venture capital members. This helped in
establishment of start-up firm Esqube Communication
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in 2003. 27. Lab
demonstrations for workshop on “A Course on Internet Telephony” conducted by
Dept. of ECE, IISc, Bangalore, 2002. 1.
Tutorials Chair Globecom 2019. 2.
Symposium Chair ICC 2020. 3.
Tutorial Chair, WF-IoT
2019. 4.
Steering Committee, WF-IoT, 2019. 5.
committee member, ACM MobiHoc-2013-2019. 6.
Chair ACM MobiHoc 2013-2019. 7. IEEE INFOCOM Demo & Poster Chair
2018, 2019. 8.
Chair MobiHoc 2019. 9.
TPC Chair 2017 & 2019. 10.
Best Paper Award
Chair CCNC 2017 & 2019. 11.
SmartNets 2018 - Industry 4.0 Track chair. 12.
SECON Student Travel Grant Chair, 2014-2018. 13.
Committee Member, Publicity Chair, IEEE ICC, Kansas, 2018. 14.
Selection Committee, IEEE Student Competition on Communication Technology Changing the World , 2014-2018. 15.
and Poster Chair MobiHoc, 2018. 16.
Industry Track Chair,
2018. 17.
Committee Member, Publicity Chair, IEEE GlobeCom,
Singapore, 2017. 18.
Chair, Consumer Communication & Networking Standards, IEEE CCNC, LasVegas, 2015-2016. 19.
Committee Member, Tutorial Chair, Demonstration Co-Chair and Publicity Chair
of IEEE CCNC, Las Vegas 2009 - 2017. 20.
Committee Member, Green Track Chair, IEEE GlobeCom,
Washington DC, 2016. 21.
Travel Grants Chair, IEEE GlobeCom,
Washington DC, 2016. 22.
Chair, Telecom Policies Development of Global Access, GIIS 2016 conference. 23. Track Chair IEEE CSCN 2016. 24. TPC Chair Telecom Policies and
Development of Global Access, track, GIIS conference 2016. 25. Publicity Chair WF-IoT, 2015. 26. Publicity Chair IEEE CCSNA, 2013, 2015,
2016. 27.
Committee Online GreenCom 2015 & 2016. 28.
Chair STEMCOM 2015. 29.
Program co-Chairs, Green Standardizations and Industry Issues for ICT and
Relevant Technologies (GSICT), Globecom 2015. 30.
Committee Member, Tutorial Chair, IEEE GlobeCom,
San Diego, 2015. 31.
co-Chair, IEEE CSCN, Tokyo, 2015. 32.
Chair IEEE WCNC, 2015. 33.
Globecom-CRN Track Chair, 2015. 34.
CSCN- Publications Chair, 2015. 35.
Chair, 21st IEEE Symposium on Communications & Vehicular Technology
(SCVT), Delft, 2014. 36. Steering Committee, iC3I, New Delhi,
2014. 37.
and EDAS Co-Chair, IEEE CCSNA, GlobeCom, Austin,
2014. 38.
committee member, Publicity Chair ACM MobiHoc,
Bangalore, 2013. 39.
VTC-CRSS Track Chair, 2013. 40.
Committee Member, Publication Chair, COMSWARE, Dublin, 2009. 41.
Breaking Results Committee Associate Chair SIGCHI, 2004. 1.
Steering committee, IEEE Next Generation Green ICT Workshop ICC-2016 Kuala
Lumpur. 2.
TPC Chair and Organizing Committee Member, IEEE Next Generation Green ICT
Workshop ICC-2015 London. 3.
TPC Chair and Organizing Committee Member, IEEE E2Nets: Workshop on “Energy
Efficiency in Wireless Networks and Wireless Networks for Energy Efficiency”,
ICC-2010 Cape town, ICC-2011 Kyoto, ICC-2012 Ottawa, ICC-2013 Budapest,
ICC-2014 Sydney. 4.
Steering Committee and Organizing Committee Member, TPC Chair for IEEE
Personalized Networks Workshop, San Jose 2006, Philadelphia 2007, Las Vegas
2009 - 2012. 5.
TPC Chair and Organizing Committee Member, IEEE CogNet:
Workshop on “Towards Cognition in Wireless Networks”, ICC-2007, Glasgow,
ICC-2008 Beijing, CogWiNets ICC-2009, Dresden. 6.
Committee Member, Publicity Chair – Mobicare,
Mobile Health Care Workshop, Mobiquitous, Toronto,
2009. 7.
and Organizing Committee Member, Workshop WILLOPAN: Wireless Personal and
Local Area Networks, COMSWARE, Bangalore, 2008. As a
senior design consultant at Esqube Communication
Solutions (P) Ltd. Bangalore, India (2003-2009)
CQube a ‘click to
talk’ application for enabling the websites with interactive voice and video. 2.
VoIP Player for decoding and playing back the voice
data after snooping VoIP packets from the Internet. 3.
VQube - a VoIP
application suite. 4.
Flash Player for enabling the websites with text,
voice and video communications. 5.
CallBack facility for
portals bringing PSTN and Web together. 6.
PSTN Phone aliasing and Anonymous dialing
applications. 7.
PSTN Conferencing Solution with Web interworking. 8.
SIP based PSTN Callback service. 9.
PSTN-Web enabled Voice Mail service. As a
Project Associate & Consultant at CEDT, IISc, Bangalore (1999-2003)
1. Large
Scale Conferencing System and Protocol design. 2. Design
of Value added services on a VoIP conferencing suite and VoIP testbed. As a
trainee (BEL) and
project associate (ERNet)
of Switched Mode Power Supplies and High power Resonant Converters for Radars
(1994). 2.
of high frequency magnetic components and high-voltage and High Frequency
Power Supplies (Project Tempest for Indian military) at Bharat Electronics,
Bangalore (1994). 3.
Implementation of DQDB protocol cards (1996).
I was involved in leading a team of ten members in conducting/organizing cultural programmes that
reflected Indian Heritage and Culture.
This committee represents the students
of the Institute; I was involved with academic affairs. I was also involved
with relief activities under Students’ Council during Orissa Cyclone and
Gujarat Earthquake.
I was responsible for smooth running
and maintenance of the Messes catering to about 1500 students. Mess committee
is an interface between Workers, Students and the Wardens/Authorities. As a
mess president I lead a team of about twelve
members team and I responsible of handling a budget of rupees Rs.1.5M per
I was part of a four-member team building this organization. We
were involved in arranging lectures/debates by eminent personalities on
various issues - Scientific, Social and Cultural. I was holding the
additional duties of Treasurer,
responsible for generating funds for all our activities and maintaining
accounts during 1999 to 2000.
I was responsible for representing
research students of the department and act as a buffer between students, the
chairman, and the faculty.
I am trying
to nurture at least 100 trees in a big city like Bangalore, in India.
Planting, watering and protecting them has been my passion for the last 5
years. It is important for me to leave zero
carbon footprint. See: https://www.facebook.com/selfiewithmytrees |