PublicationsA Challenge for Multi-Agent Sequential Decision Problems: Global Resource ConstraintsFrits de Nijs, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, and Mathijs M. de Weerdt. A Challenge for Multi-Agent Sequential Decision Problems: Global Resource Constraints. In Multi-agent Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty, 2015. Workshop at AAMAS15. Download(unavailable) AbstractWhen multiple agents share a common resource and this is their only type of interaction, existing methods for multi-agent sequential decision making seem to be rather inefficient. An algorithm using an ad-hoc decomposition of a power-constrained planning problem, on the other hand, can achieve near-optimal plans even for many agents. Does a more principled way exist to solve such multi-agent planning problems with global resource constraints? BibTeX Entry@InProceedings{DeNijs15msdm, author = {Frits de Nijs and Matthijs T. J. Spaan and Mathijs M. de Weerdt}, title = {A Challenge for Multi-Agent Sequential Decision Problems: Global Resource Constraints}, booktitle = {Multi-agent Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty}, year = 2015, note = {Workshop at AAMAS15.} } Note: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Generated by (written by Patrick Riley) on Thu Feb 29, 2024 16:15:45 UTC |