PublicationsProtection Framework for Low Voltage DC GridsNils H. van der Blij, Pavel Purgat, Thiago B. Soeiro, Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, and Pavol Bauer. Protection Framework for Low Voltage DC Grids. In Proceedings 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, pp. 331–337, 2021. DownloadAbstractThis paper presents a protection framework for low voltage dc grids, which segments these grids into zones and tiers according to their fault current potential and provided protection. Furthermore, the technology and applications of different protection devices are examined. It is demonstrated that the utilization of fast fault interruption and fault limiting inductors are vital for the protection of low voltage dc grids. Moreover, a design of a solid-state circuit breaker is presented, and this devices is experimentally verified. The experimental results showed that the total time for the detection and interruption of faults can be lower than 1 $\mu$s with solid-state protection devices. BibTeX Entry@inproceedings{Blij21pemc, title = {Protection Framework for Low Voltage {DC} Grids}, author = {Nils H. van der Blij and Pavel Purgat and Thiago B. Soeiro and Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo and Matthijs T. J. Spaan and Pavol Bauer}, year = 2021, pages = {331--337}, booktitle = {Proceedings 2021 IEEE 19th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference} } Note: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Generated by (written by Patrick Riley) on Thu Feb 29, 2024 16:15:45 UTC |